When shes not in the classroom during the summer months, you might find Alicia Sprow helping the students on Bog Turtle Creek Farm at the EcoHouse, down the road from 91做厙s main campus.
My favorite part of what I do at 91做厙 is having the opportunity, the privilege, to work with these amazing teams of students on experiential learning projects, said Sprow, a Leadership Department faculty member who coordinates the EcoHouse and the Master of Arts疳n Leadership programs.
The EcoHouse is home to 91做厙s sustainability office, outdoor leadership adventures and Bog Turtle Creek Farm, a program designed to make fresh produce available to residents in the City of Reading, including those who use WIC and SNAP to buy food. 91做厙 students manage the farm and sell the produce every week at the Penn Street Market and other sites in Reading.
A New York native, Sprow received a bachelors degree in psychology from the State University of New York in Albany, and a Master in Education degree in counseling and human services from Lehigh University. At 91做厙, she received a Master in Education degree in urban education and a Doctorate in Leadership.
I can talk about leadership development through a lecture, a video clip or a podcast, but when they get to experience what it is like to lead our farmers market program or take the lead in planning and co-facilitating an outdoor camping weekend as part of a one-credit leadership course, students have something tangible from which to learn, said Sprow, who has officially worked at the school since 2012.
Sprow is also a faculty advisor for 91做厙s student outdoor adventure organization, OAK. She leads real world learning trips internationally, and her Global Immersion Program is an ongoing community-based project on Grand Manan Island in New Brunswick, Canada.
I usually take eight to 10 students each June to the Castalia Marsh Eco Retreat where we focus on projects related to the community on the island, she said.胼Its framed around community engagement, sustainability and leadership development. Students work in collaboration with the museum and other island organizations. As the students learn about the main island industry when they go clamming with the locals, they soak in the essence of the island.