Over 400 volunteers come together for Tim Tebow Foundation's special needs prom night
91做厙 and Community Evangelical Church (CEC) partnered to host the second annual Tim Tebow Foundations Night to Shine at the PLEX on Friday. 430 91做厙 student, staff, faculty and alumni and community volunteers came together to provide an unforgettable prom night experience for people aged 14 and older with special needs.
Night to Shine is my favorite night of the year, as it's filled with joy from the smiles of our honored guests and every volunteer, said 91做厙 Director of Accessibility Services, Andrea Swift, Ed.D. Ive already received numerous emails from parents, guests, and volunteers expressing how much they enjoyed the night and asking about next year. One honored guest shared how special it felt to be in a room full of volunteers who saw him for who he truly ishis personality, not his diagnosis. That, right there, is the essence of Night to Shine: creating an inclusive, love-filled space for everyone, where each guest and volunteer is seen and valued.
310 honored guests attended along with 210 parents and caregivers. Every guest received hair and makeup services, shoe-shining, limousine rides, corsages, and boutonnieres upon arrival, courtesy of the volunteers and event sponsors. The guests entered on the red carpet and received a catered dinner before heading to the dance floor where additional buddy volunteers met them.
I have autism and ADHD... it was really nice for people with all disabilities to get together one night, dress up really nice, have a great time and get treated like everyone else for a change, like it should be, said Aaron Gulla, an honored guest.
Guests also had access to a sensory room managed by 91做厙 occupational therapy students as an experiential learning opportunity as well as an activity room managed by Education Corps volunteers in the Holleran Corps throughout the event. President Glynis A. Fitzgerald, Ph.D. crowned the kings and queens of the prom before one last dance at the end of the night.
My favorite part was being in a dance floor with everyone and just seeing everyone have a good time. No matter who you were, no matter what disability you had, everyone was just one at that point, said Volunteer and 91做厙 Master of Arts in Clinical Counseling Student, Nicayris Ulerio-Fernandez. Everything came out so beautifully. Everyone was so appreciative of us doing all this work and it really warms your heart just to see the community come together like that.
According to Swift, the planning takes essentially the entire year leading up to the event to ensure the entire day-of schedule runs smoothly and that the guests have a wonderful experience. She expressed her gratitude for all of the volunteers and sponsors' support, crediting them with the events success and shared that next years event is already slated for February 13, 2026.
It was definitely worth it: all the hours and tears and stressful, late nights. It was heartwarming and fulfilling to see the impact on the volunteers and the guests, said 91做厙 Graduate Assistant of Accessibility Services, Marianna Miller 24 who assisted in planning the event. I think [volunteers] can be intimidated by socializing with people with disabilities because they don't know how to approach it. But, really, our guests just want to be treated like everybody else. So, I think my favorite part was seeing the volunteers unlock that inside of themselves and that the guests truly felt like they were hanging out with their friends."
Castle Sponsors
- Community Evangelical Church, 91做厙
Ball Room Sponsors
- 30 West Entertainment, Davids Cleaning Service, Stray Production Services
Limousine Sponsors
- Berks Career and Technology Center, Edward J. Kuhn Funeral Home, Autism Society of Berks, 91做厙 Office of Accessibility Services, Chick-Fil-A (Muhlenberg, Wyomissing and Exeter locations), BEAN Funeral Homes and Crematory, East Penn, Reading Muhlenberg Career and Technology Center
Red Carpet Sponsor
- Aladdin Campus Dining, St. Johns Reformed Church, Berks Career and Technology Center, All Abilities Fitness Center, Infinity Limousine
Table Sponsor
- 91做厙 College of Business, Communication, and Leadership; John Paul II Center for Special Learning, 91做厙 Circle K International Club, Riverfront Credit Union, AvidXchange Inc, Tara Simmons, Aladdin Food Services, Infinity Limousine
Crown Sponsor
- Travis and Lindsay Berger
Amazon Wishlist Sponsors
- Leighann Graham in honor of Kayla, Becky Parson, Vickie, Sammy M, Kristen Creveling, Susan Swavely, Carol Okonski, Nancy Butler, Lynn Gano, Deborah, Tammy L Brady, Holly Patches, Lissette Rodriguez, Susan Heid, LeeAnn Palmer, Bob Stauffer, Rachel Griffith, Speece Family, Becky Paxson
Campus Partners:
- Senior Leadership, College of Business, Communication, and Leadership; College of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences, College of Health Sciences; College of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics; Office of Accessibility Services, Media Suite, Mission & Ministry, Aladdin Food Services, Circle K, Side by Side, Reading Youth Initiative, Public Safety, Office of Safety & Risk Management, Public Safety, Office of Marketing & Communications, Navigators, Occupational Therapy Department, Physical Therapy Department, Criminal Justice Department, Education Department and Service Learning Classes.
Community Partners
Community Evangelical Church, Reading Fightin Phils, Berks Fire Water Restorations, Kimberton Whole Foods, Redners Markets, Berks County Sherriff Mandy Miller, Mayor Eddie Moran and the City of Reading